God is not moving at Grace Covenant Christian Center… and we are excited about that!
We have awesome Praise & Worship (thanks to Angela McKenzie and her team), but it does not usher in the presence of the Holy Spirit & God’s presence does not fall down on us… and we are excited about that!
God is not meeting our needs… and we are excited about that!
God is not healing … and we are excited about that!
God is not providing… and we are excited about that!
I could go on and on!
God is not moving because He has already moved when He sent His son, Jesus! Many people believe (including myself, not too long ago) that they need to “do” something or believe “for” something, or pray a certain way, so that God would move on their behalf. If this were true then God would be like our puppet waiting for us to “pull the right strings” enabling Him to get up off His throne and “do something” for us. The truth is God has done it ALL already. God is not moved by our actions. He is not moved by a great service. He is not moved by our prayers, or tears, or fasting. He was moved by His great love for us over 2,000 years ago when He sent His son, Jesus. Do you remember what Jesus said as He hung on the cross? “It is finished!” I am so thankful for the truth being preached at GCCC that has caused my faith to “shoot through the roof” knowing that it has nothing to do with me and everything to do with JESUS!!!
I used to be taught, and always believed, that God’s presence would fall down on us as we were all led into great praise & worship. The problem with this thinking is when we don’t “feel” His presence, then we think that we didn’t do something right or good enough or God (for some reason) didn’t want to be in our presence. I am so thankful for finally seeing the truth on this subject! At Grace Covenant Christian Center God’s presence is there each and every Sunday because He walks in the door with us! I have the Holy Spirit (God Himself) living on the inside of me! He goes with me wherever I go! Grace Covenant Christian Center is so blessed to have Angela McKenzie & her team leading us in Praise & Worship! We are even more blessed that they and the rest of us at GCCC realize and know that awesome praise & worship does not “allow” God’s presence to “fall” but simply helps us recognize, focus on and be sensitive to God’s presence living on the inside of us!
God is not meeting our needs because they were ALL met at the cross! We are excited at GCCC to see people realizing and accepting ALL the blessings that God has already given to them! The blessings of God are not contingent on our performance, they are not contingent on our giving, they are not connected to our hard work… they were all provided at the cross! When we FREELY receive what all God has for us then we can freely and joyfully share with others!
God is not healing (and as I have heard Andrew Wommack say, “God has not healed anyone for over 2,000 years.”). Now, THAT’S good news! Our healing took place at the cross! 1 Peter 2:24 tells us that by Jesus’ stripes we were (past tense) healed. There is nothing you can do to “earn” your healing it was already “earned” for you by the stripes that Jesus took on His back!
God is not providing for us at GCCC… He already has provided everything that we could ever need or want and then some!!! It is so much fun to sit back and enjoy all the benefits of our loving God! He has truly blessed us beyond measure!
I am so thankful for the Word, the Good News, that is being preached at Grace Covenant Christian Center and I am even more excited to see everyone dusting off their Bibles and digging into the Word and using their Swords for themselves!